Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics '06

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University of Maryland School of Nursing 16th Annual Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics July 19 - 22, 2006 Baltimore, Maryland

Theme:Advancing Clinical Practice Through Nursing Informatics Keynote Speaker Don Detmer, MD, MA, President and CEO of AMIA

Abstracts accepted for peer-reviewed paper and poster presentations starting November 1 For information on sponsoring and exhibiting, contact Gail Doerr at 410-706-4122 or

A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you who made the Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics, 2005 a huge success. It was the largest nursing informatics conference ever held, with nearly 700 participants from 37 states and 11 nations. Nine corporate sponsors supported the event as well as 32 select exhibitors. The Planning Committee is hard at work on SINI 06. We hope to see you this summer.

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